May 5, 2006 – December 24, 2006
“Csörgő’s work revolve around the appearance of changeable forms and the associated perceptional experience, be that in his kinetic light sculptures, Neo-Dadaist machines which are reminiscent of Yves Tinguely, or simple paper folds and their successive unfolding, as can be seen in the photographic series entitled Peeled City II.” – Claudia Seidel
Skin of Space presents two major series by Attila Csörgö. Both series, Orange Space (1999–2005)
and Peeled City II (2002), focus on the deconstruction and reconstruction of sculptural, physical, and
mental space.
The Orange Space series comprises works that consist of twin 360-degree panoramic photographs:
in each, the first photograph is a two-dimensional image displayed in the form of a peeled orange skin; the second is a spherical image constructed from the first given form and placed on a thin aluminum stand. Attila Csörgö says: “Peeling is an excellent way to transport three-dimensional forms onto a surface. Its prototype is the peeling of an orange, as if you could unwrap the skin of the fruit (a quasisphere) to get a two-legged spiral. The result is a kind of image of the fruit, which depicts the entire orange. This image is very unusual in its form, but very defined in its development.”
Peeled City consists of c-prints, drawings, and a paper object, and is closely linked to the Orange
Space works.
For Peeled City, Attila Csörgõ created a model of a New York skyscraper and then ‘peeled’ it. This
model was made of card paper, using a different color for each side. Changes in color on the peeled
form also indicate changes in the direction of the peeling. “And so we can see the whole at once,
which it was not possible to see before.” -A. C.
The exhibition displayed the larger version of the series, Peeled City II, with a surface area of
210 x 370 cm.
In addition, the artist has produced two new photographic works, Make love (2005/06) and Epicycles
(2005/06), especially for the Skin of Space exhibition.
Based in Budapest, Attila Csörgõ took part in the 48th Venice Biennial in 1999 and the 8th Istanbul
Biennial in 2003, as well as other well-known international events, and in 2004, he had a retrospective solo show at Kettle’s Yard in Cambridge, England. His work was first shown in Ljubljana in 1999 at the Galerija Škuc (along with work by Antal Lakner).
This exhibition has been made possible by The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Cultural Department of the City of Ljubljana.