October 2, 2004 – November 6, 2004
Galerija Gregor Podnar and DUM Association are pleased to announce the exhibition Drawing, drawing by Dan Perjovschi and Goran Petercol.
The work of Goran Petercol (b. 1949, lives and works in Zagreb) is based on precise observation and binding of the transcendental object within the conceptual practices, as well as on the interaction between viewer and art work with its relations to art of minimalism. It seems that the series of works of Goran Petercol with light and shadow appear like a pure experience of a given situations. From an art historical point of view his work refers by formal and intellectual approach to French-Croatian artist Julije Knifer. Goran Petercol participated on several prominent exhibition venues, such as the Biennale of Sao Paulo (1994), Venice, or Istanbul (both 1995).
The main body of work of internationally renowned artist Dan Perjovschi (b. 1961, based in Bucharest) consists of ‘political’ caricature. His wall drawings and drawings on paper are related to power structures in daily occurrences in politics and art context. In comparison to the work of Goran Petercol he uses an apparently different way of expression by introducing humorous and sarcastic figures. Among numerous internationally participations Dan Perjovschi has been taking part at Manifesta 2 in Luxembourg (1998), and in 2005 he will exhibit solo in the Museum Ludwig in Cologne.
Relations between the art of Goran Petercol and Dan Perjovschi appear on the level of methodologies of work in process that connect both artists in time and space to given societal issues as a kind of resistances towards norms by modest gestures. These two artists have been working on the exhibition Drawing, drawing for the first time closely by developing a special project for Galerija Gregor Podnar.
We will be showing works by Goran Petercol that are based on the principle of adding and building up of structural elements; drawings from 1975 till 1997 and the video installation Wall (DVD-loop), that will be premiered at the gallery. Dan Perjovschi is going to draw drawings on wall and we are pleased to introduce a series of twelve drawings that were commissioned for the upcoming issue of Parkett, magazine for contemporary art.
The exhibition has been made possible in collaboration with Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia and City of Ljubljana – The Office for culture and research.