April 27, 2013 – June 1, 2013

Galerija Gregor Podnar is pleased to announce Goran Petercolʼs second solo exhibition in
Berlin Common Places featuring light installations, drawings from the Symmetries, Halves
and Stylization series, and the artistʼs most recent series of sculptural works.

The title of the show Common Places addresses the artistʼs interrogation of artistic practice
as well as gallery display. Petercol considers a common place as something understandable
to everyone, not requiring any level of education or cultural background, appealing rather to
the unconscious of the viewer. Petercol transfers the idea of the understandable into his
artworks, looking back to the three elements of the common place formulated by Aristotle:
the connection between more and less (represented in the exhibition by the Halves and
Stylizations), the opposition of opposites (Petercolʼs long term focus on light-shadow
installations) and the category of reciprocity (elements in the Symmetries series). The
minimal aesthetics of the entire exhibition enhance the idea of what is understandable in the
common place.

Throughout the exhibition the question may emerge: can you create symmetry by simply
drawing a line between two completely different objects? In Petercol’s work this possibility
exists: “The same way a photograph hung on the gallery wall is on display, an electrical
switch is also on display by its mere existence in the gallery. From that point of view there is
no difference between them – the photograph and the switch are on display and thus can be
in a symmetrical relation.”